The Museum of Tomorrow and the ENGIE Foundation introduce the project called Among Museums; it is a social and cultural mobilization project. It unfolds into a series of actions especially conceived for the schools and teachers from schools and social organizations of the Rio de Janeiro port area, our neighbours.
One of our major challenges is to offer a more democratic access to the neighbouring residents around us, especially the children and young people from the port area and thus, contributing to the expansion of their knowledge and potential. Our main goal is to enable and include the local population in cultural mingling, encouraging them to enter the world of Science, Arts and Culture, and thus, to construct and stretch the ways to the full citizenship. Also, to keep a follow up and participate in the region social development, inviting dwellers to become protagonists of these actions and to recognize themselves as agents of transformation in their community.
The project encompasses a set of guided visits to the Museum of Tomorrow in partnership with 20 museums throughout and around the city. Besides the visits, the project carries out complementary activities whereby the aim is to strengthen the bonds between local schools, the museums and the cultural centres, and above all, to introduce the city and its history from each one of these approaches.
These activities will derive from the organization of meetings between Museums multipliers, where ideas are exchanged and visit contents are built up; the easy access to the museum contents to schools, with regular visits and exchange of information; the construction of a major seminar in partnership with the Municipal government through the Municipal Secretary of Education, the Institute of Brazilian Museums – IBRAM and partner museums, presenting the museums are potential tools for education, aimed at teachers and other involved in education. On top of that, there will be the opening of a great fair of Museums and schools where the public will be presented with the exchange of experiences along the whole process.
For further information check the site Museu do Amanhã.